We have many satisfied customers that state the water is clearer, better taste for drinking and skin is no longer dry. Please read the attached Michigan State Study for its elimination of chemicals or decrease of chemicals.
We are proud installers of ProSystems Water Filtration Units.
The ProSeries uses granular activated carbon to effectively filter impurities from water. Its programmable computer controlled valve allows to program the backflush cycle for maximum efficiency based on your individual water usage. For less than $2000,you can make these changes to your household water.
- Effective efficient and eco-friendly
- Cleaner better tasting water from every tap, faucet and shower
- Increases the life of plumbing, fixtures such as water heaters and boilers
- Eliminates chlorine and chloramines taste and odor
- Never use bottled water again!
Have A Question? Call us at 401- 781-4228
Customer Testimonial:
I want to thank you and John for installing a water filtration system in my home and really educating me on the benifits of having one. We have a 4 year old son and my wife has Multiple Schlerosis. As a father & Husband, I want to do anything I can to make my family safer or improve their health. Me and my wife started to notice the difference in the water quality right away. Having a 4 year old means a lot of baths. It was amazing to see the clarity of the water in the tub when our son took a bath. Before having the water filtraion installed, my son, my wife, and I, had very dry skin after taking a bath or shower. Now, we find that our skin is much cleaner and healthier. We also have started drinking much more water from the faucet, reducing the amount of plastic watter bottles we purchase. As far as my wife and her condition, its still very eary to tell if this will provide any health benifit to her, but as long as I do my part to try to impove her health, thats what matters the most.
Thank you again! – Resendes Family
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